Salam...berjumpa lg d ruangan ini setelah sekian lama menyepi...
heheh..lama xmengupdate blog ni..maklumla..cutikan...huhu..
ok...kali ini ada info yg agak berguna la untuk korang semua..xkira d mana jua anda berada...
info ni aku dapat time tgh rajin membaca n surf kat tenet nehh...hehe..saje je nak kongsi ngan korang sumer...
huhu..ilmu tu untuk dikongsi bersama..hehe...xbek kedekut2 ilmu nehh..ok2...
ni sikit info pasal benefit of outdoor recreation...aku harap orang ramai d luar sana amat memahami n secara xlangsung berminat nak involve ngan outdoor recreation nehh...
Dr. Andrew Lepp, assistant professor of recreation, park and tourism management at Kent State, provides a few of the many benefits of outdoor recreation.
1. Outdoor recreation provides psychological benefits.
For example: the prevention or reduction of stress; increased self esteem, confidence and creativity; spiritual growth; and an increased sense of exhilaration, adventure and challenge from life.
(Dr andrew pun cakap outdoor recreation leh prevent and reduce kalo kena guling2, kena marah2, kena tengking2 kan makin bertambah la sendiri...)
2. Outdoor recreation provides physical benefits.
For example: aerobic, cardiovascular and muscular fitness as well as improved functioning of the immune system.
3. Outdoor recreation provides social benefits.
For example: increased pride in one’s community and nation as well as opportunities for bonding with like-minded individuals.
4. Outdoor recreation provides economic benefits.
For example: Individuals who regularly participate in outdoor recreation tend to be more productive at work; outdoor recreation creates job opportunities for others leading to economic growth; and the preservation of the natural areas needed for outdoor recreation increases property values.
5. Outdoor recreation provides environmental benefits.
For example: The increased environmental awareness and concern which results from outdoor recreation can lead to increased involvement in environmental issues.
huhu..sebenarnye banyak lg benefit outdoor recreation ni... d luar sana yang kurang berminat ngan outdoor recreation cuba2 la tanamkan minat tu...sebab banyak faedahnye...hehe...ciao..
Thank You and Sorry..
10 years ago